Aaliyah Dana Haughton

Success we can’t measure with a scale , that’s why Willam Willy said “ Ambition has one heel nailed in well , though she stretches her finger to touch the haven ,, … Aaliyah has proved it . Actually Haughton was a definition of versatile , . she utilized her quality and quality time to the right time and to the right place . Aaliyah knew how to prove and establish her self in this world . By the God wish she hade only 22 years but !! Brilliant , beautiful , talented , updated Haughton she spread over the quality around the world .

Aaliyah Dana Haughton was born In Brooklyn ,New York ,US the year of 1979 16th January , then she moved to Detroit ,Michigan at age of ten with her parents . she was an American African , but a amazing fact is , her name was originated from Arabic version , “ Aliya how ever it is Ali ,, . Her mother Diane Haughton ( she was also a good singer and vocalist ) was Aaliyahs first voice and music introducer in her life when she was just around five years old and Haughton started her music journey from a Marriage ceremony at the Church . Aaliyahs beautiful voice Attract the people very much and all time buzzing her voice around her home , she highlighted first time from Star Search Program at the age of ten ( it was a live Television program ) .

Aaliyah complete her education from Detroit High school from Arts steam , she was focused to her education everybody known Aaliyah , as a brilliant student . Although Aaliyah was very good from her heart she keenly interested to her Arts performing , she know about important of education and always keep potentiality with 4.0 grade point rank . But one thing is decided she was a perfectionist . She signed her first music Album at the age of around 12 years and having no doubt 74,000 copies selling in the first week , that was unexpected turning point in her career life . Whereas she contain many qualities But!! her silky and smooth voice extract the people heart and changed her perspective totally .

In the year of 1999 , Aaliyah proved her another quality with incredible experience .She signed her first film and landing the lead role in “ Romeo Must Die ,, surely the biggest milestone of Aaliyah’s life history . Miracles playing an active role in her good luck , Box office hit 18.6 million in the first weekend . People thought her natural effort and devotion is uniqueness within her style , that time all producers and directors spotlights on Her Chemistry . In future audience thought Aaliyah was the best for any RomCom character than other actress . After “ Romeo Must Die ,, Aaliyah’s best movie was “Queen of the Damned” , “ Vampire ’’ , etc. she never look back side again because she got several exciting opportunity one by one . Aaliyah set her thumbnail on Boom a finally .

Haughton create a new image on the fashion world and being a model she proved to be a stepping stone for her modeling eventually film also . Aaliyah’s family play an important role in her all over carrier life , specially her mother Diane Haughton . Haughton was an perfect role model among the public , when she started her modeling carrier many Hip-Hops teenagers and others follow her style –like one eye covered side hair style , specially she wore loose fittings baggy cloths with dark sunglasses , many often she used black shed cloths because her favorite color shed mostly black . Aaliyah was too much conscious to her public image and media image , as well as her created fashion trends nowadays people like it again . In this matter she depend to her mother to Diane Haughton she always took her moms opinion . the year of 1998 Aaliyah gave a shape to entire fashion world . Actually she had a good test as a “ style setter ,,

We lost Aaliyah Haughton for ever on August 25, 2001 at 6 50 p.m. Aaliyah and the others members of the record company boarded a twin-engine Cessna at tme Marsh Harbour Air port in Abaco Island , and after they completed the Music video the whole party and all the equipment were accommodated on board , but Alas!!! destiny was wait for Aaliyah Haughton . That day Aaliyah and her 11 music members they entourage took off from Marsh Harbour air port at 6.50 pm In a small Cessna 404 en route Poa-Locka , Florida . After few minutes take off the air was crashed near about 200 feet from the runway and killed the Queen , during Aaliyah,s funeral people shouting and read “ We were Given Queen , “ We were Given Angel ,, . Although her life was too short but meaningful , when she was live she told to others “ I have no regrets and no complain to God ,, . her sudden death destroy the untouched dreams forever


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